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During one of our recent holidays we visited a small zoo with the girls.
It was a really hot day and it was pretty crowded but the animals and birds are always worth a visit.

I have never seen a white peacock before. These two looked like a couple about to be married :)

Taking shade.

Climbing out to dry off.

I love the pattern and lines that came out of this shot.

I hope youre all enjoying the weekend xx


  1. Ursula Achten said...
    isn't it always a male one with this big "tail"??
    I still like to visit Zoos and really have time to watvh the animals!
    Anonymous said...
    I love the white peacock, what a beautiful couple :)
    S'mee said...
    When I was in 7th grade we lived out in the toolies. One day we heard the "heeeah-heeeah" peacocks are famous for and went to find the sourcde. There, on top of the old barn was a beautiful albino peacock! Where did it come from? We never found out. The peacock hung out for about 8 months and then as quickly as it came, it flew off.

    Loved that.
    amisha said...
    hi dear julie!
    seeing these images makes me want to visit the zoo... it has been so long! and that last photo is wonderful.

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