Callys beautiful pod drawing
If you are nominated and decide to join in you should reveal the original source, say who nominated you (Cally), nominate 5 blogs which you read that really make you think and finally display the thinking blogger logo/button...
My 5 nominations are, in alphabetical order:
1. Cally Daniels - cally creates
2. Camilla Engman - camilla engman
3. Gracia & Louise - high up in the trees & elsewhere (yes they are 2 - and love them both!!)
4. Jennifer Causey - simply photo
5. Lisa Solomon- lisas musings
...there are so many more that i would love to add!! each of these talented girls inspire me in so many different ways everyday...with their art and the way they see and how they create..they not only make me think but make me question...they inspire in such great ways which affect me and my work...not to mention their passion for what they do which i really love and can relate to!! So thank you to you and to other friends out there for all of this...it makes SUCH a difference..
hope you all have a great weekend.. xxx
Labels: inspiration, life stuff
and a great choice of fellow blog thinkers :)
enjoy the weekend!!
Suzie Sews
i'm so happy we found each others blogs, i may never have posted much seed/pod related work if it wasn't for the fact that i like to show it to you. weather here has been cold wet dull for a full week so not ideal for new photo's but i will take more when it improves.
love your piece on the previous post, so much detail, great colours and yummy texture.
oh dear, i've been online for only 20mins and already my hand has gone numb! i need to chomp some ginger to boost my sluggish circulation, but maybe i should draw it first.
have a brilliant weekend, and congrats on new job xxx
i too have lots of art to frame when i get back to the states. it's pretty exciting to have art framed all lovely and ready to hang.
have a great weekend my dear!
have a lovely weekend + enjoy a little lie-in! xxx
xxx :)
the same
good luck
with your
new job...
that cafe
even if
the food
isn't great.
that cafe looks wonderful - great atmosphere!
see you, g xo
and a new job... very exciting! hope you get some good peaceful quiet time in those early morning commutes.