This weekend has been full of fun and smiles in our little corner of the world...on friday we began celebrations for the festival of Shavuot at the swimming pool watching our children perform on stage with festive songs and dances!! Each group organising what food to bring for the picnic brunch before jumping into the pool (first time this year).

And on Saturday we spend the day preparing food for a festive dinner for five families in our home...the kids enjoyed themselves and all of us big people sat on the balcony with the lights off so as not to invite more mosquitoes...eating watermelon with salty cheese and ramis cheese cake and planning our next camping trip together....i love evenings like this :)

thanks so much for your anniversary wishes...we havent had time to celebrate yet but we are taking a rain check :) xxx


  1. shari said...
    sounds like a delightful weekend. would love to know the secrets of rami's cheesecake. we haven't gone camping yet and i'm so eager to go! xo
    Anonymous said...
    Sounds like a wonderful weekend, time for celebrations and enjoying family time, how lovely!

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