I havent written for a few days. Ive been busy making, creating and finishing some things off - very fulfilling. And today, after being inspired by Stephanie, I am doing the big tidy in the room I work in. I wouldnt call it a studio because its not a very nice room and I dont actually like working in here. I tend to spread out to the big dining table until Rami gives me a lecture about having "nowhere to eat" or "its a shame theres paint all over the tablecloth" (I hate tableclothes!!!) And Im extremely good at piling things onto one another! Piles of anything and everything, as high as they will go and then I start another pile. So, it got to a situation where I just couldnt find anything.
I threw loads of stuff out - very feng shui - it felt great!! We just have to see how long it will last!!! I still dont like the room and am waiting to move homes and create my perfect room I can call a "studio".


  1. ruby-crowned kinglette said...
    i work in my basement, a place i usually called 'the pit' until i realized that most people would consider it a studio... it makes it more fun to think i work in a studio now. no matter where you set up to work - ALWAYS refer to it as your studio, it sounds much more fancy than 'the dining table'...
    Anonymous said...
    Quite satisfying though. It's wonderful when you find something you had forgotten about in a pile.
    laura capello said...
    Oh, that's what I've been working on as well. So far I have the kids' art supplies reorganized. Unfortunately, I have twenty times more than they do and it's taking quite a while. Perhaps I should get back to doing that...

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